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This deluxe edition of Munchkin Pathfinder introduces new classes like the Alchemist and Witch, while players can join a Faction to become an Eagle Knight or a Red Mantis Assassin, and arm themselves with the T-Bone Stake and the Armor of Insults to defea
Prepare for Battle! Unleash your Superpowers with Munchkin Marvel Edition, an all-new Munchkin game that fuses the classic card game fun of monster-slaying and roleplaying with the most iconic characters from the Marvel universe
We know you love a good board game. You’ve got a huge collection that you’re proud of. You have them neatly shelved and in pristine condition. It’s a true beauty to behold. But what if your collecting skills could benefit you IN one of your board games? Y
You’re a Munchkin. You don’t do anything halfway. Sure, you could just go straight down to the bottom of the dungeon and fight the boss, but you’d be missing out on all the extra cool stuff to find. Where’s the fun in that? Why not take a trek off to the
The life of a Munchkin is pretty simple: kick the door open, beat up the monster, take the loot, gain levels, and get famous. Just watch out for the other Munchkins looking to also get that loot. There’s no honor among Munchkins, and they’ll gladly stab y